3.3.5 Painting.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the press shall be
painted in accordance with the manufacturer's commercial practice and color.
All threaded parts used on the press and its related
3.3.6 Threads.
attachments and accessories
shall conform to FED-STD-H28 and the applicable
"Detailed Standard" section referenced therein.
All gears shall be constructed from
a material suitable for
3.3.7 Gears.
A l l d r i v e g e a r s shall have
the hardness, surface
the intended purpose.
finish, and toughness that will enable the gear train
to transmit full rated
t o r q u e o f t h e d r i v e m o t o r w i t h o u t g e a r damage,
failure, or premature
deterioration and wear.
3.3.8 Electromagnetic interference control.
When specified
equipment f u r n i s h e d under
this specification shall comply with MIL-STD-461.
The equipment and subsystem(s) class and the emission and susceptibility
requirements shall be as specified.
The press shall consist of not less than a frame, legs,
3.4 Components.
s l i d e , c r a n k s h a f t , d r i v e m o t o r , and
a l l other components
e s s e n t i a l f o r the
safe operation of the press at its maximum rated tonnage.
T h e press frame
s h a l l b e o f t h e g a p t y p e , o f e i t h e r a one
3.4.1 F r a m e .
piece casting or of welded steel construction and stress relieved. The crown
portion of the frame shall support t h e c r a n k s h a f t , f l y w h e e l , a n d a l l o t h e r
parts and components essential to the drive system. The bed portion of the
frame shall be machined to a tolerance of +0.001 inch per foot, front to back
a n d l e f t t o r i g h t f o r i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h e b o l s t e r . When specified (see 6.2),
provisions for a die cushion shall be provided.
T h e frame shall have an open
the incline position, parts or scrap will be discharged by
back so when in
gravity through the back of the press. The lower section of the frame shall
have the necessary holes and fittings for mounting the frame to the press legs
providing a pivot point for inclining the press.
The press shall have right and left legs to support the press L e g s .
legs shall
a casting or
fabrication, and stress relieved. The legs and frame shall have provisions
for inclining the frame not less than
20 degrees backward from the vertical
Provisions shall be made for
securing the legs to t h e f l o o r o r
The slide shall Slide.
be a solid casting or steel
T h e design and
the slide a n d g i b s s h a l l p r o v i d e p r e c i s e
construction of
a l i g n m e n t o f the
The slide shall have adjustable gibs for precision adjustment of
alignment and to compensate for wear. T h e g i b s s h a l l b e o f s u f f i c i e n t l e n g t h
to maintain precise control of the slide throughout its maximum stroke length.
When specified (see 6.2), the die area of the slide face shall be T-slotted in
Provisions shall be made for installation of
accordance with
ANSI B5.1.
crossbar knockouts.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business