T h e clutch shall be of the air engaged and spring released Clutch.
of the clutch shall be synchronized
t y p e . The engagement and disengagement
with the brake so that when the clutch is engaged, the brake is released,
The clutch control
when the clutch is disengaged, the brake shall be applied.
system shall automatically release the clutch and apply the brake in the event
of failure in either the air or electrical supply. Brake.
The brake shall be of the spring applied and air released
t y p e a n d s h a l l s t o p t h e s h a f t w h e n t h e s l i d e i s at or near the top of the
Brake application
stroke when the control is set for single stroke operation.
shall be synchronized with clutch functions (see Driveshaft,
Intermediate shafts transmitting power between the
drive motor and c r a n k s h a f t , s h a l l b e o f s u f f i c i e n t s i z e a n d s t r e n g t h t o
loads without permanent deformation or
transmit maximum rated torsional
distortion. Connection (pitman).
The connection shall be of such mass as to
t r a n s m i t the maximum rated t o n n a g e w i t h o u t d e f o r m a t i o n . T h e c r a n k s h a f t e n d o f
the slide connection for all presses shall be fitted to the shaft with
replaceable bushings.
The slide end of the connection shall be fitted into
the slide in accordance with the manufacturer's standard commercial
include provisions for adjusting the shut
The design of the connection shall
height and for securely locking the adjusting mechanism after adjustment.
3.4.3 Counterbalance. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), each press
shall be equipped with an adjustable pneumatic counterbalance system for
offsetting the weight of the slide and dies.
The system shall include
and a pressure regulator to control
air pressure for
compensating varying die weights.
All receivers, accumulators, and other
p r e s s u r e tanks
shall meet the requirements of the ASME Unfired Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, for non-fired pressure vessels, and shall
have the required ASME label affixed.
The pneumatic system shall conform to
t h e requirements of ANSI B93.114M.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6 . 2 ) , t h e manufacturer's
3.4.4 Bolster.
standard b o l s t e r f o r t h e p r e s s s p e c i f i e d s h a l l b e f u r n i s h e d .
When T-slotted
bolsters are furnished, slotting shall be in accordance with ANSI B5.1.
3 . 4 . 5 Cushion.
When specified (see 6.2), a die cushion or cushions shall
be furnished as described by the procuring actitity.
(see 6.2), the press
3.4.6 Peak load measurement system.
W h e n specified
s h a l l have a peak l o a d measurement system that measures and provides a
indication of the peak
load exerted by the press slide during a pressing
The system shall
consist essentially of a calibrated strain
device mounted on a strained area of the press structure.
3.4.7 Quick die change.
When specified (see 6.2), the press shall be
furnished with provisions for quick die change. The method furnished shall be
The clamping
of the same design as that offered to the commercial market.
system shall be of a fail safe design.
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